General Information
Ecological faculty of Volzhsky University is the first school in Togliatti to graduate specialists in natural sciences (biology, ecology, chemistry, land sciences). The faculty is equipped with modern ecological and chemical laboratory, biological laboratory, chemical equipment, up-to-date devices (microscopes, binoculars, biological collections, herbariums, collections of microslides).
The third laboratory – test laboratory of ecological monitoring is equipped with modern devices and used to carry out economic scientific and expert works in applied chemistry and ecology. The laboratory is licensed to certify work places.
The computer room of the faculty is provided with licensed programs meant for research work in bioecology.
Within the partnership the faculty has research cooperation with the Institute of Ecology of the Volga basin of Russian Academy of Sciences, Zhigulevsk State reserve after Spryghin, National Park Samarskaya Luka, and others.
Students of the faculty has a training, industrial and externship practice in various research, nature-conservative and industrial organizations and enterprises of the city.
A graduate ecologist may pretend to the positions as follows: ecologist, junior research assistant, engineer, economist, economist nature manager, environmental protection engineer, trainee researcher in ecology, geochemist, scientific editor, research engineer, and any position connected with teaching in higher institutions, colleges, institutions of secondary education and professional education (teacher).
Field of activity of a graduate ecologist:
industrial enterprises including production industries (oil and gas production, mineral source industry)
design, exploration, production, research institutions, offices, companies
research laboratories
environmental companies
companies specializing in ecological investigation of real estate
companies buying and selling ecological equipment
authorities of nature protection and state authorities of nature management (federal and regional institutions of Ministry of Natural Resources of RF, Ministry of Agriculture of RF, State Committee of Ecology of RF, local administrative authorities and other departments and institutions for nature conservation)
general and special educational institutions, and others
Design and production activity:
impact estimation on environment
routine measures for nature conservation
planning and examination of social economic and economical activity for territories of various hierarchy levels
provision of environmental safety of national economy and other spheres of human activity
ecological assessment of various types of design analysis
development of practical advice for nature conservation
inspection activity, ecological audit
Students of the Faculty have an opportunity to acquire practical skills in city enterprises as follows:
Institute of Ecology of Volga basin of Russian Academy of Sciences
Zhigulevsk State reserve after Sprygin
Centre of State Sanitation Epidemiologic supervision
Municipal Board of “Industrial Association of public utilities”, Togliatti
OAO “AvtoVAZtrans” – processing of domestic waste
Committee of ecology and natural resources, Togliatti
Ecological company “Gea”
Production complex “Vodokanal”
laboratory of bioecology
ecological chemical laboratory
laboratory of ecological monitoring (certified)
specialized room for geography and cartography
computer room